Belongs to Us

This is a tale of two young men who share the same values and a lust for life while living in a life that could not be more different from one another. Julien (Ymanol Perset) is an aspiring football player who has been undergoing an intensive training for an important match; while Pouga (Vincent Rottiers) is a small-time car thief who is caught up in a situation where he will have to replace his father to get an important job done. Their paths have never crossed until one fatal night where they will be united forever. By beginning the film at the end of the story, then revealing slowly the parallel destiny of these two young men, this compelling, character-driven drama beautifully captures the painful yet universal experience of what it means to become an adult: the crushing realization of the unexpected turns of life in a world that we all once believed belonged to us.
一個足球選手,一個偷車少年,在一個平凡的晚上,被一把無名的刀,刺破二人的命運。把這兩顆熾熱青春的生命,永遠緊扣在一起。Julien就是那胸懷大志的職業選手;Pouga則是那以盜竊維生的小混混。同住在布魯塞爾郊區的兩人,也許可以結為好友,命運卻一直沒有讓他們彼此踫上。二人並行的人生,如《兩生花》般,在不同的世界,透過相同的價值觀,無形重疊。曾任體育記者兼影評人的導演Stephan Streker,以倒敍手法逐步展開,這兩個身世迥然不同,卻擁有同樣對追逐生命激情盼望的青年人,所行走的並行命運。透視出世事「變幻才是永恆」的真相。除了對影像有相當純熟的掌握,導演更邀請比利時著名唱作人Ozark Henry為影片配樂。無懈可擊的聲畫結合,成為推進故事的脈搏,為影片增添無限渲染力。