
Setting in the early 70’s in the far north Finnish Lapland, there finds a small village where lives of the locals are as eventless as they are calm. It comes as no surprise that the villagers are excited about the upcoming visit by Urho Kaleva Kekkonen, president of the Republic of Finland at the time, who stands as an almost god-like figure religiously worshipped by the local folks. Believing Kekkonen’s arrival will bring miracles that could change their lives for the better, the once civil locals suddenly turn into envious competitors, plotting and scheming against one another in such hysteria that things rapidly get out of hand…This quirky dark comedy is a tongue-in-cheek exploration of the inner madness of small town people whose longing for the possibility of change is as specific to the Finnish psyche as it is universal to the audience across the world. With such endearingly eccentric characters compounded by the sheer lunacy in plot twists and turns, it is safe to say you don’t have to be Finnish to fully appreciate it.
人人都想夢想成真,鄉下小人物又豈能例外? 這部來自,出生電影世家,北歐「新星導演獎」得主的怪誕黑色小品,顯現芬蘭獨有的鄉土文化風俗,以及人人心底對奇蹟出現的盼望和癡狂。70年代初的芬蘭總統吉科寧,被安排前往北部拉普蘭區的小村落作親善探訪。鄉下村民聞到風聲,無不受寵若驚,全因這些少見多怪的大鄉里,早就把總統升上神檯,視作神靈膜拜。他們相信總統的來臨,必會為大家帶來奇蹟,讓大家的夢想成真。總統的到訪逐步接近,原本民風樸素的小村落,一時間進入瘋狂狀態。一場各懷鬼胎,爾虞我詐,展露人性醜惡的殘酷競赛即將展開,後果一發不可收拾…