International Boy Shorts: Wild Wild West(HKLGFF 2024)
Movie Name: The Passion According to Karim **
Language: French(English Subtitles)
Category: -
Duration: 24 Mins
Director: Axel Würsten
Story: A Scout patrol arrives to give a performance of the Crucifixion of Christ in a remote village famous for being the scene of alien apparitions in the 1970s. Nothing can stop 17-year-old KARIM, the Scout who has been assigned the role of Christ, from his obsessive goal: to find the ecstasy to perform the martyr on the cross.

Movie Name: Revived **
Language: Hebrew(English Subtitles)
Category: -
Duration: 17 Mins
Director: Uriya Hertz
Story: After a night out at a Jerusalem gay bar, Aaron finds out that his bag is missing. Unable to return home without it, he receives assistance from Sefi, the bartender. The fates of both will be linked tonight.

Movie Name: Alpha Kings *
Language: English
Category: -
Duration: 15 Mins
Director: Faye Tsakas, Enrique Pedráza-Botero
Story: From a rented mansion in the suburbs of Houston, Texas, a group of young men sell a hyperbolic, alpha-male version of themselves on the internet.

Movie Name: Some Kind of Paradise **
Language: English
Category: -
Duration: 21 Mins
Director: Nicholas Finegan
Story: When a reclusive barman at an Arkansas line-dancing bar connects with a Hollywood actor via Grindr, the sheer force of their chemistry pushes him to question the isolated life he has built for himself and embrace the transformative power of intimacy and vulnerability.

Movie Name: Bleach **
Language: English
Category: -
Duration: 19 Mins
Director: Daniel Daniel
Story: Gay and lonely, Lloyd is on a shame-fueled, Grindr-addicted spiral into tragedy.

* Hong Kong Premiere
** Asia Premiere
Release Date
Run Time
96 minutes
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