Snowball(HKAFF 2021)
Despite their different personalities and backgrounds, small-town high school girls Gangi, Soyeong and Aram are the best of friends. They decide to run off together with no plan in mind. Once in the big city, their friendship unravels as emotions run high and money runs out. When they eventually return home, their relationship is indelibly changed, and Gangi’s desperate attempts to cling on to her increasingly aloof pals could only lead to tragedy. Based on a novel by Im Sol-ah, Lee Woo-jung’s poignant debut feature is powered by strong, naturalistic performances from the young leads who bring out the fragile, volatile and visceral dynamics of restless adolescence.
Lee Woo-jung
Bang Min-ah, Shim Dal-gi, Han Sung-min
Release Date
Run Time
109 minutes