Aug 07 > 歐亞紀錄週《命運之輪》映後談

07 Aug 2022


日期 2022.08.07 (Sunday)

時間 13.00

地點 百老匯電影中心


講者 Nomin Lkhagvasuren

2020 / 52min / 蒙古語對白,英文字幕 In Mongolian with English subtitles Directed by: Nomin Lkhagvasuren   阿姆斯特丹紀錄片電影節,最佳中長度紀錄片 IDFA Award for Best Mid-Length Documentary Winner, Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival   獲提名DMZ韓國國際紀錄片電影節,亞洲視角獎 Nominated as Asian Perspective Award, DMZ International Documentary Film Festival   蒙古是個只有三百多萬人的小國度,可平均每天都會有一個人自殺。蒙古的文化不鼓勵放棄生命,認為和自殺的人來往會帶來不幸,尋死失敗的人往往會受歧視。然而,這卻無阻蒙古的自殺率連年上升。每位輕生者背後都有段不願提及的往事,又或只不過厭倦於重重複複的生活、庸庸碌碌的生涯和混混噩噩的每天。   生活艱難,有的人會選擇逃避,死去之人已然解脫,把回憶留在最美好的時光;而對於這些連逃避也失敗的人,命運更加殘酷:未來還有數十年在等待著他們。當凝視受訪者的眼睛時,你似直視他們的內心。   In Mongolia, one-third of the population lives in poverty. Is this one of the reasons why the suicide rate is so high? Survivors or relatives of those who committed suicide, tell us their stories, some of them prefer to remain anonymous because suicide is a taboo. The stories come from different regions of the country, but the reasons given for this desperate act are similar: despair, loneliness, alcoholism, and the harshness of life. The example of a couple who once set up their Mongolian yurt within the walls of an abandoned prison seems to symbolize the state of the nation. On a frozen dump, they dig for scrap metal - if they sell it, they will have just enough money to buy food for a few days. It is an existence far removed from the clichés of traditional nomadic life.