Aug 14 > 歐亞紀錄週《惡人之煞》映後談

14 Aug 2022


日期 2022.08.14 (Sunday)

時間 15.45

地點 百老匯電影中心


講者 導演李永超

2021 / 76 min / 緬甸語、台語對白,中文、英文字幕 In Burmese, Taiwanese Hokkien with Chinese, English subtitles Directed by: 李永超 Lee Yong-Chao   獲提名台北電影節最佳紀錄片 Nominated as Best Documentary, Taipei Film Festival   獲提名羅迦諾電影節國際影評人周大獎 Nominated as Grand Prix - Semaine de la Critique, Locarno International Film Festival   緬甸內戰已七十餘年,戰火延綿至今,不穩的政局使這片土地生靈塗炭。獨立軍與軍政府間衝突頻生,緬甸仿成受詛咒之地。克欽族小兵曾是獨立軍,從懵懂無知的青年變成把殺戳當作兒戲般談笑的「惡人」,對著攝影機細數所犯下的惡行,不為人知的過去、迷失的當下和未知的將來。到底人性本善還是本惡?導演是緬甸孤軍後裔。到台灣後仍心繫故國,繼《血琥珀》後再深究緬甸社會問題,部份受訪者甚至是從小一起長大的朋友和家人,令電影呈現無比真實感。   The Bad Man is a documentary of the life story of a violent and bloodthirsty young man from Kachin, Myanmar, who casually discusses murdering people as if it were not his own story. The young protagonist was conscripted into the Kachin Independence Army as a child, transforming him from an innocent boy into a ruthless killing machine. Now the war’s over for him, his gun-toting past has come back to haunt him. With all his wounds and traumas, he is now considering which path to take for the future. Are people born good or bad? It’s a question director Lee Yong-chao, a descendant of a Myanmar-based family, attempts to respond to, as he offers a glimpse of a man whose cruel veneer conceals moments of gentleness and sensitivity.