情慾穿心箭 The Bow

一段踰越年齡的不倫之戀。60 歲老頭收養了行將17歲的少女,一直視她為寶貝情人,每天為她弄早餐洗白白,倒數她17 歲的快樂生辰,名正言順地將她迎娶。滿以為是囊中物,她竟然心野,看中剛到來的小白臉,二人一見即合,眉來眼去,電光火石,互放慾望之箭,用愛將心偷。關鍵就在於那把弓箭之上。正處於創作慾旺盛期的金基德,今回再使出看家本領,將《漂流慾室》的場景、《爛泥情人》的軟禁橋段,《春夏秋冬》的禪味,以及《感官樂園》的入侵者 / 救世者的元素一網打盡,炮製成這部又愛又恨的作品。

‧ 05年康城影展「一種注目」單元開幕電影

As provocative as any Kim Ki-duk's films, THE BOW is the love story between a 60-year old man and a 17-year old girl, who was “found” by the Old Man when she was still sixteen. He keeps and raises her on a boat afloat in the middle of the sea, waiting for her seventeenth birthday when he will marry her. She is content with her life on the boat, helping the Old Man serve the men who come on board to fish. When it comes to the point the fishermen sexually assault her, the Old Man shoots arrows from his bow to scare them away. Everything looks fine and peaceful until a city young boy comes aboard to fish and develops his fondness on the girl… This 12th feature resembles the obsessive and religious elements from Kim's previous works – THE ISLE, BAD GUY, 3-IRON and SPRING, SUMMER, FALL, WINTER but with more exotic details.

‧ Opening Film, Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 2005

Oct 1 (Sat) 4:00pm / bc
Oct 7 (Fri) 7:40pm / ifc
Oct 9 (Sun) 9:50pm / ifc



南韓 South Korea/ 2005/ 彩色Colour/ 35mm/ 90min
韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles
導演Dir:金基德 Kim Ki-duk
主演Cast:韓業雲Han Yeo-reum、金宋旺 Jeong Seong-hwan