Uncle Bonmee Who Can
Recall His Past Lives
《波米叔叔的前世今生》一出,震撼康城。它 延續阿彼察邦的實驗電影精神,將超現實神話、宗教、輪迴等意象共冶一爐,那轉世重臨的紅眼猩猩,跟公主造愛的鯰魚,叔叔臨終前的山洞,交織成阿彼察邦獨有 的電影世界。波米叔叔回到泰國東北部的老家,在生命倒數的最後一刻,叔叔的親人悄然重現,陪叔叔走完生命的最後一站,段段記憶,點點前塵陸續浮現,過程疑 幻疑真,意境詭譎,但深深處卻是感人肺腑。被喻為當今最具創意的亞洲導演,阿彼察邦絕對當之無愧。
The title may be the most straightforward aspect of this divisive Palme d'Or winner at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival. Visionary Thai director/installation artist Apichatpong Weerasethakul (or you can call him "Joe") wraps up his PRIMITIVE art project with this fantastical story of a dying man who spends his last days in the jungle visiting his past lives and communicating with apparitions of the dead. Filled with stunning images of the jungles in northeastern Thailand, UNCLE BOONMEE WHO CAN RECALL HIS PAST LIVES is as much a dreamy meditation on reincarnation as it is an exhilarating reflection on the power of cinema.
泰國、英國、法國、德國、西班牙 Thailand, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 113 min
泰語對白,英文字幕 In Thai with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 阿彼察邦‧韋拉斯花古 Apichatpong Weerasethakul
主演 Cast: Thanapat Saisaymar, Jenjira Pongpas, Sakda Kaewbuadee, Natthakarn Aphaiwonk
Palme d'Or prize, Cannes Film Festival 2010 |
23/10 | 5:20pm | IFC |
31/10 | 5:30pm | bc |
2/11 | 9:35pm | IFC |
6/11 | 5:30pm | bc |
9/11 | 9:45pm | bc |