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Addicted to Love

劉浩繼《陳默 和美婷》、《好大一對羊》後,新作《老那》經過三年的籌備和製作,劇本在未開拍之前已在台灣、釜山、聖丹斯等影展的電影計劃中獲得高度評價。影片擺脫了 「老人遲暮」的陳腔濫調,以嶄新的角度描寫長者的生活和愛情,幽默、溫馨,充滿動人力量。年事已高的老那和李婆相互傾心,惟雙方兒女對這段感情投反對票, 倔強的老那為保這段黃昏之戀,像頑童般四處闖禍惹事,引得左鄰右里紛紛上門告狀…。秋天即使落葉深黄,但依然美麗。

Old folks can also be ADDICTED TO LOVE - and shouldn't they? As in his award-winning CHENMO AND MEITING, director Liu Hao casts non-professional actors and handles an unusual romance with a poetic and humorous touch. In this funny and deeply moving love story set in contemporary Beijing, retired worker Old Pop bumps into Li Ying in the market one day. Proving that passion does not fade with age, the two elderly neighbors embark on a secret relationship in spite of opposition from their grown children and their own mental deterioration.



中國 China / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 112 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 劉浩 Liu Hao

主演 Cast: Niu En Pu, Jiang Mei Hua




Official Selection, San Sebastian International Film Festival 2010
5/11 | 9:20pm | The One
7/11 | 4:50pm | bc