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Deep In The Clouds

中國第六代電影人劉杰曾為王小帥的電影擔任攝影師,早已是影 展常客,導演首作即一鳴驚人,之後的《透析》精闢獨到,第三 部作品《碧羅雪山》技法圓熟,把小數民族對鄉土之情,拍得真 摯動容。故事發生在碧羅雪山下的一個小村莊,木扒因偷剝國家 保護植物的樹皮被捕,其父不得不把女兒吉妮嫁給村裡的混混換 取彩禮,補釋木扒。年輕的迪阿魯深愛著吉妮,生活足襟見肘, 付不起禮金,又要忙於應付族人奉為祖先的黑熊襲村,只能看著 心愛的女人嫁給他人…… 影片的真摯情感撼動了無數觀眾,據說 連吳宇森也不禁淌下男兒淚。

Set in an ethnic village near Nujiang, where the inhabitants have for generations worshipped the bears in the mountains as their ancestors, Liu Jie’s festival favorite features an amateur ethnic-minority cast in a powerful tale of the age-old clash between tradition and modernity, with two star-crossed young lovers caught in between. What the film may lack in entertainment, it more than makes up with its minimalist but engaging performances. Packing a heavily emotional punch, the film is so genuinely affecting that even John Woo was moved to tears.



中國 China / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 93 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 劉杰 Liu Jie
主演 Cast: 汪普則 Wang Puze, 娜芝葉 Nazhiye



Jury Grand Prix, Best Director & Best Music Awards,
Shanghai International Film Festival 2010
Nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay & Best Original Film Score, 47th Golden Horse Awards

28/10 | 7:50pm | bc
31/10 | 3:40pm | The One