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《立春》中國影后蔣雯麗在丈夫顧長衛耳濡目染下,也執起導 筒,拍出一部細膩溫馨、賺人熱淚的導演處女作。影片在蔣雯麗 的故鄉安徽取景,並以她的童年成長故事為經、祖孫之情為緯, 構築起一部充滿自傳色彩,而情感樸實真摯的懷舊佳作。火紅的 七十年代,由於父母下鄉勞改,留下女孩小蘭與外公相依為命。 小蘭在外公的悉心呵護下漸漸長大,外公卻也悄悄老去。後來, 外公離開了,小蘭答應他做個好人,好他日天上再見……

AND THE SPRING COMES actress Jiang Wenli won over audiences with her touching directorial debut, which picked up the Audience Award at the Pusan International Film Festival and the Best Director and Best Actor awards at the Macau International Film Festival. This semi-autobiographical film is based on Jiang's personal experiences during her gloomy childhood days. In 1970s China when the entire country was swept up in chaos of the Cultural Revolution, a girl named Lan grew up in the loving care of her grandpa, but eventually had to come to terms with his sad departure.



中國 China / 2009 / 彩色 Color / 85 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 蔣雯麗 Jiang Wenli
主演 Cast: 劉燁 Liu Ye, 蔣雯麗 Jiang Wenli, 陳建斌 Chen Jianbin



Audience Award, Pusan International Film Festival 2009

26/10 | 9:50pm | IFC
31/10 | 7:50pm | IFC