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Kids Kingdom


They say children are a difficult subject to film, but Mainland documentary filmmaker Zhang Tong-dao's latest shows that it's worth all the trouble. Zhang followed three kids in a suburban kindergarten in Beijing for three years, capturing candid footage of their genuine behaviors and naked emotions. Then, stories came naturally. Chi Yi-yang was strong and smart - would he become a leader or a bully? Why did Chen-chen wait at the gate of the school every morning? What made Xi-kun the suspect in the mysterious disappearance of the kids' shoes? A film for parents who wish to understand the unique world of children, and any adult who wishes to find his or her inner child once more.



中國 China / 2009 / 彩色Color / 82 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles

導演Dir: 張同道 Zhang Tongdao



29/10 | 8:00pm | IFC
4/11 | 8:00pm | bc