Oct 30 > HKAFF2022 – Scala Post-screening Talk

30 Oct 2022

HKAFF2022 – Scala Post-screening Talk

Date 2022.10.30 (Sunday)

Time 19.55

Venue Broadway Cinematheque



A giant movie palace that became an endangered species in the age of the multiplex, the Scala cinema was the final single-screen cinema left standing in Bangkok. However, the cinema was demolished in 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic caused it to close down permanently. The daughter of a former employee, Ananta Thitanat drew on her familiarity and nostalgia for her childhood haunt in this quietly moving obituary, documenting the space itself in its last days. As a former employee says in resignation, “Times change,” but that is exactly why documents of vanished heritage like this film are more important than ever.