Movie 電影 |
Anger + Triangle (Johnnie To segment) 怒 + 鐵三角(杜琪峯一段) |
Info 電影資料 |
香港 Hong Kong / 1970, 2007 / 41 min + 35 min 國語對白,中英字幕 In Cantonese and Mandarin with English and Chinese Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
胡金銓 King Hu King Hu / 杜琪峯Johnnie To |
Cast 演員 |
Hu Chin, Chen Hui-Lou, Hsueh Han, Zhang Fu-Gen /
Simon Yam, 古天樂Louis Koo, Sun Honglei, Kelly Lin, Gordon Lam |
胡金銓的電影不僅影響著徐克, 還有杜琪峯, 最能說明的是《怒》與《鐵三角》。兩片都由幾段短篇組成。前者屬《喜怒哀樂》(修復版)中一段,套用了傳統京劇劇目《三岔口》的橋段,寫欽犯、衙差、黑店夫婦等幾路人在一家客棧裡展開一場鬥智鬥勇的廝殺。《鐵三角》是三個同代導演(徐、杜和林嶺東)用接龍手法拍成的驚慄片,杜的一段說幾方人馬為了追尋寶藏,陰差陽錯地集結在郊外一家地踎食店裡,進行你虞我詐、你死我活的拼鬥,其實正是現代化了的《三岔口》或《怒》。今次兩片破天荒並排放映,給觀眾提供了額外豐富的趣味性。
The director of Come Drink With Me, A Touch of Zen and Dragon Inn, King Hu is a cinema pioneer who has influenced countless filmmakers. One of those filmmakers is Johnnie To, whose male characters clearly echo those in Hu’s films. Audiences will have the rare chance to directly compare the two masters’ works with this special screening of Anger, Hu’s section in omnibus Four Moods (remastered version), and To’s section of “relay film” Triangle. Inspired by the Peking Opera At the Crossroads, Anger depicts a battle of wits set inside a small inn. Similarly, To’s section in Triangle depicts a thrilling chase set in and around a rural restaurant.