13/7 (Sun) 4:15pm | bc

24 Realities per Second
(24 Wirklichkeiten in der Sekunde)

奧地利 Austria / 2004 / 58min / Digi-Beta / Colour
德語及法語對白,英文字幕 In German and French with English subtitles
導演 Director:Nina Kusturica, Eva Testor

在2002至2004年間,Nina Kusturica 及 Eva Testor 緊隨漢尼卡,從尋找拍攝場地到首影禮到電台訪問到剪接房;從奧地利到法國再重返奧地利。兩人手持攝錄機記錄下來的點滴,成為了我們探索漢尼卡世界的橋樑。影片並非一個詳盡的米高.漢尼卡專訪,而是著眼展現一名百分百獻身事業的電影工作者的生活。Kusturica 及 Testor 相信,一個人的思潮的最佳發言人莫過於其一舉一動及活動的性質,因此影片絕大部份時間不加旁白,就由畫面負責溝通。漢尼卡曾言道:「電影是每秒二十四個謊言,目的是要尋求真相,或者嘗試尋求真相。《一秒二十四個真相》的目的,正正是嘗試棄用謊言去呈現有關米高.漢尼卡的真相。

Between 2002 and 2004, Nina Kusturica and Eva Testor accompanied and observed Michael Haneke, from location scouts to film premieres to radio interview and the editing room; from Austria to France and back to Austria. With the help of a handheld camera, they share with the world what they observed. In contrast to the numerous interviews that Haneke gave in the course of his career, the film does not focus on his eloquence but concentrates on his craftsmanship. Believing that the thoughts of a man will become apparent through his actions and the nature of his activity, Kusturica and Testor let the sketches speak for themselves. Michael Haneke has said that “film is 24 lies per second at the service of truth or at the service of the attempt to find the truth”, 24 Realities per Second is exactly an attempt to showing us the world of Michael Haneke -- with no intention of lying.

*此影片之票價 Ticket price of this film:$40 / $32 (會員票價 bc VIP member price)