The Seventh Continent
(Der Siebente Kontinent)
- 熒光血影 Benny’s Video
- 機緣七十一面觀
71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance
(71 Fragmente einer Chronologie des Zufalls)
9/7 (Wed) 7:40pm | bc
16/7 (Wed) 9:40pm | ifc

The Seventh Continent (Der Siebente Kontinent)

奧地利 Austria / 1989 / 104min / 35mm / Colour
德語對白,英文字幕 In German with English subtitles
演員 Cast:Dieter Berner, Udo Samel, Leni Tanzer



Michael Haneke’s first feature film and the first of his “Glaciation Trilogy” already displays many of the themes, techniques and shock values that would become very familiar in his subsequent works. In every respect, Anna and George and their daughter Eva form a normal family, doing everyday normal things, but one day they decide to destroy everything they have, and the result is brutal, shocking and realistic. The film is disturbing not so much for any on-screen violence as for the cold, matter of fact manner in which it is depicted: close-ups in a cool, detached manner, showing people as anonymous and faceless – slaves to routines and mechanical processes. Haneke took inspiration for the film from a newspaper article, but he makes no documentarian attempt to understand or explain the reasoning behind the family’s actions.