Apr 2018 > 《同時代人──劉曉波紀念詩集》讀詩會

01 Apr 2018


Date 2018.4.1 (Sun)

Time 19.00-21.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

Host TBC

Speakers 獨立筆會、傾向出版、中國地下文學流亡文學典藏館

Mar 2018 > YOUNG TALK -Valley of Love

29 Mar 2018

YOUNG TALK -Valley of Love

Date 2018.3.29 (Thu)

Time 20.00-23.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Shu Kei, Honkaz Fung






1957/ 黑白/ 105 分鐘/ 粵語

葉菁(謝賢飾)與馬來少女蘇蓮娜相戀, 卻遭母親阻撓, 娜不忿, 揚言向菁下「降頭」。菁回唐山後, 愛上表妹紫薇(江雪飾), 令表姊藍怡(嘉玲飾)妒火中燒。薇、怡先後遇難, 菁以為被「降頭」所害, 找娜尋仇, 事後卻發現舊居的艷鬼竟是怡, 原來一切都是怡奪愛的陰謀。

Mar 2018 > Nine Dragon Island: Eleanor Goodman and Lucas Klein

28 Mar 2018

Nine Dragon Island: Eleanor Goodman and Lucas Klein

Date 2018.3.28 (Wed)

Time 19.30-21.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

Host Tammy Ho

Speakers Eleanor Goodman, Lucas Klein

In this Cha Reading Series event “Nine Dragon Island”, Cha contributors Eleanor Goodman and Lucas Klein will discuss poetry, translation, and the writing of China—alongside readings from their recent and forthcoming books, including Goodman’s Nine Dragon Island (Enclave/Zephyr, 2016) and Iron Moon: Chinese Worker Poetry (White Pine, 2017), and Klein’s October Dedications: The Selected Poetry of Mang Ke (Zephyr, 2018) and translations of Li Shangyin (NYRB, 2018). Moderated by Cha’s co-editor Tammy Ho Lai-Ming.

Mar 2018 > Martin Scorsese Film School: SENSO

27 Mar 2018

Martin Scorsese Film School: SENSO

Date 2018.3.27 (Tue)

Time 19.00-22.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Daniel Chan


Director: Luchino Visconti

Screenplay: Luchino Visconti、Suso Cecchi D’Amico

Cast: Alida Valli、Farley Granger

This lush, Technicolor tragic romance from Luchino Visconti stars Alida Valli as a nineteenth-century Italian countess who, during the Austrian occupation of her country, puts her marriage and political principles on the line by engaging in a torrid affair with a dashing Austrian lieutenant, played by Farley Granger. Gilded with ornate costumes and sets and a rich classical soundtrack, and featuring fearless performances, this operatic melodrama is an extraordinary evocation of reckless emotions and deranged lust, from one of the cinema’s great sensualists.

Mar 2018 > kubrick Poetry • March •「從旁觀到介入」──葉英傑新書分享會

25 Mar 2018

kubrick Poetry • March •「從旁觀到介入」──葉英傑新書分享會

Date 2018.3.25 (Sun)

Time 16.00-17.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

Host Florence Ng

Speakers 葉英傑 、 周漢輝

「又或把注意力放回身下的泥土 學習如何跟它妥協,如何讓自己繼續優雅地活著。」──《旁觀生活》〈阿里山神木〉




Mar 2018 > 《遇上黑色電影:香港電影的逆向思維》新書發佈會暨電影創作與研究深度對談: 張婉婷 X 陳劍梅

22 Mar 2018

《遇上黑色電影:香港電影的逆向思維》新書發佈會暨電影創作與研究深度對談: 張婉婷 X 陳劍梅

Date 2018.3.22 (Thu)

Time 19.00-20.30

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

Host Paco

Speakers 張婉婷、陳劍梅

Mar 2018 > Light Up Post-screening Sharing

17 Mar 2018

Light Up Post-screening Sharing

Date 2018.3.17 (Sat)

Time 17.30-18.30

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Deniece Law, Shiu Ka-chun

Mar 2018 > The Square Post-screening Talk – The Awkward Art World

04 Mar 2018

The Square Post-screening Talk – The Awkward Art World

Date 2018.3.4 (Sun)

Time 15.45-16.45

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

Host Didi Wu

Speakers Chanel Kong, Associate Curator, Ikko Yokoyama, Curator Design & Architecture, Ulanda Blair, Curator

Ruben Ôstlund’s The Square is a satire about the high art world. While it stirs conversations in the art scene, does it reflect the reality? In collaboration with M+, bc invited their curators to talk about the awkward art world!


Mar 2018 > Light Up Post-screening Sharing

04 Mar 2018

Light Up Post-screening Sharing

Date 2018.3.4 (Sun)

Time 17.30-18.30

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Clarisse Yeung, Deniece Law, Rensen Chan


The world is full of flaws; life is far-from-perfect. It is all the more challenging for people with disabilities.

Joanna and King are facing their darkness, as they are losing their eyesight bit by bit. Baobao is hearing-impaired since birth, she cannot communicate with the others but her greatest desire is to speak and express herself. Hazel has cerebral palsy and cannot walk; even though wheelchair can replace her legs, she is fed up with the prolonged pain.

Life is strenuous, but Joanna, King, Baobao and Hazel rediscovered the passion for life when they embarked on a journey to the theatre stage, making the impossible possible.

Light Up is a documentary about the struggle of the four protagonists against their personal restraints in the Hand in Hand Capable Theatre, witnessing how they made their way to the stage after difficult but ultimately positive training and rehearsals.

Mar 2018 > 1987: When The Day Comes Post-screening Dialogue

03 Mar 2018

1987: When The Day Comes Post-screening Dialogue

Date 2018.3.3 (Sat)

Time 17.40-1840

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Steve Chung, Wong Fei-pang


In January 1987, a 22-year-old college student dies during a police interrogation. Under the orders of Director Park (KIM Yoon-seok), the police request the body to be cremated in order to destroy evidence. Public Prosecutor Choi (HA Jung-woo), who was on duty on the day of the incident, denies the request and calls for an autopsy. The police maintain the lie that the death was a simple accident, resulting from shock. The autopsy results, however, point to torture as the cause of death.

Yoon (LEE Hee-jun), a journalist following the case, reports that the death was a result of asphyxiation during torture. Director Park attempts to conceal the truth by ending the case, arresting two detectives including inspector Cho (PARK Hee-soon). While in prison, inspector Cho reveals the truth to prison guard Han Byung-yong (YOO Hai-jin), who embarks on a dangerous mission to relay the information to an opposition politician through his niece, Yeon-hee (KIM Tae-ri).


Feb 2018 > Martin Scorsese Film School: The Taking of Power by Louis XIV

27 Feb 2018

Martin Scorsese Film School: The Taking of Power by Louis XIV

Date 2018.2.27 (Tue)

Time 19.00-22.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers David Chan

The Taking of Power by Louis XIV
Dir: Roberto Rossellini
Scriptwriter: Philippe Erlanger、Jean Gruault
Cast: Jean-Marie Patte、Raymond Jourdan、César Silvagni
1966/ Color/ 90 mins/ in Italian with English subtitles

Filmmaking legend Roberto Rossellini brings his passion for realism and unerring eye for the everyday to this portrait of the early years of the reign of France’s “Sun King,” and in the process reinvents the costume drama. The death of chief minister Cardinal Mazarin, the construction of the palace at Versailles, the extravagant meals of the royal court: all are recounted with the same meticulous quotidian detail that Rossellini brought to his contemporary portraits of postwar Italy. The Taking of Power by Louis XIV dares to place a larger-than-life figure at the level of mere mortal.

Feb 2018 > A Fantastic Woman Post-screening Sharing

25 Feb 2018

A Fantastic Woman Post-screening Sharing

Date 2018.2.25 (Sun)

Time 17.30-18.30

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Sonia Wong & Joanne Leung

Feb 2018 > Young Talk: Crossroad

22 Feb 2018

Young Talk: Crossroad

Date 2018.2.22 (Thu)

Time 19.00-22.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Daniel Chan

Jan 2018 > Martin Scorsese’s Film School: Stromboli

30 Jan 2018

Martin Scorsese’s Film School: Stromboli

Date 2018.1.30 (Tue)

Time 19.00-22.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Daniel Chan & David Chan


Director: Roberto Rossellini

Screenplay: Roberto Rossellini、Sergio Amidei、Gian Paolo Callegari、Art Cohn、Renzo Cesana

Cinematographer: Otello Martelli

Cast: Ingrid Bergman, Mario Vitale

1950/ B&W/ 107’/ Italian/ English Subtitles


After Ingrid Bergman expressed her fondness of Rossellini’s Rome, Open City, the couple-to-be soon kicked their first ever collaboration – Stromboli. Living in an Italian refugee camp after World War II, the Nordic Karen from Lithuania meets Antonio, a recently released Italian POW. After the denial of a visa to her dreamland – Argentina, Karen marries Antonio and they soon sail off to his home village, Stromboli. The village is not only a fishing community on a remote island but is also at the foot of an active volcano. With the difficulty of speaking the local dialect and understanding the cultural discrepancy, most local villagers treat Karen merely as an exotic foreigner and a loose woman. In the final scene, she sets off across the volcanic mountains to seek her freedom and a better future. Here, one cannot help but feel that Rossellini has achieved a fusion of melodramatic touch on women and the neo-realist style that powerfully and vividly captures the geographical details.


Jan 2018 > YOUNG TALK – Forsaken Woman

25 Jan 2018

YOUNG TALK – Forsaken Woman

Date 2018.1.25 (Thu)

Time 19.00-22.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Shu Kei

Forsaken Woman《程大嫂》




1954/ 黑白/ 135 分鐘/ 黑白/ 粵語

《程大嫂》由植利影業公司於1954年出品,故事取材於魯迅小說《祝福》,並以越劇《祥林嫂》為藍本。《程大嫂》刻劃封建社會家庭對女性的壓迫,芳艷芬由少女角色演到中年、老年,一生坎坷,被賣、被姦、被白眼、被囚……盡顯 演技。此片為芳艷芬自組的公司出品,無論攝影、美術、撰曲、音樂都是上盛之作 。


Jan 2018 > 120 Beats Per Minute Post Screening Sharing

06 Jan 2018

120 Beats Per Minute Post Screening Sharing

Date 2018.1.6 (Sat)

Time 16.30-17.30

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Dr. Jason Ho, Jim Hoe, Derek Chung

Jan 2018 > Darkest Hour Post-screening Sharing

04 Jan 2018

Darkest Hour Post-screening Sharing

Date 2018.1.4 (Thu)

Time 21.35-10.00

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F


Speakers Mr. Simon Xu Hui Shen

During the early days of World War II, with the fall of France imminent, Britain faces its darkest hour as the threat of invasion looms. As the seemingly unstoppable Nazi forces advance, and with the Allied army cornered on the beaches of Dunkirk, the fate of Western Europe hangs on the leadership of the newly-appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman). While maneuvering his political rivals, he must confront the ultimate choice: negotiate with Hitler and save the British people at a terrible cost or rally the nation and fight on against incredible odds. Directed by Joe Wright, DARKEST HOUR is the dramatic and inspiring story of four weeks in 1940 during which Churchill’s courage to lead changed the course of world history.

Nov 2017 > HKAFF 2017 Chinese Animation Pre-screening Tour & free screening of Lady Iron Fan

15 Nov 2017

HKAFF 2017 Chinese Animation Pre-screening Tour & free screening of Lady Iron Fan

Date 2017.11.15 (Wed)

Time 7:30pm

Venue 1/F Broadway Cinematheque



Lady Iron Fan

In 1941 in the midst of WWII, the Wan Brothers, the pioneers of Chinese animation, completed Asia’s first – and the world’s third – feature-length animated film. Based on a chapter of Journey to the West, Princess Iron Fan was a big hit at the time, its popularity extending even to Japan. The film greatly influenced the development of Chinese animation, including the Wans’ later Havoc in Heaven. Drawing from Disney and Chinese opera while relying heavily on rotoscoping, the Wans applied slapstick, shape-shifting and topsy-turvy visuals to the Monkey King’s battle of wits with Princess Iron Fan and the Bull King in order to acquire her magical fan to quell the flames of a volcanic mountain range.

Nov 2017 > HKAFF 2017: Mapping Japanese New Wave Cinema via the Lens of Suzuki Seijun

12 Nov 2017

HKAFF 2017: Mapping Japanese New Wave Cinema via the Lens of Suzuki Seijun

Date 2017.11.12 (Sun)

Time 4:00pm-5:00pm

Venue 油麻地百老匯電影中心一樓


Speakers Shu Ming

Suzuki Seijun, avant-garde filmmaker and one of the important figures of Japanese New Wave, passed away in February this year. His works often feature spontaneous actions, surreal styles, jarring colours, odd angles and progressive ideas, forming a unique Seijun aesthetics”. Strong in his personal style and oblivious of audience’s reactions, he faced termination of contract which led to removal of his films from distribution. Though unfortunate, the incident certainly makes his life story even more legendary. What loss did his death mean to the Japanese film industry? Let us commemorate our Director in Focus with screenings and a talk.

Nov 2017 > Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2017 Post-screening Sharing

07 Nov 2017

Hong Kong Asian Film Festival 2017 Post-screening Sharing

Date 2017.11.7 (Tue)

Time 9:30pm-10:30pm

Venue 1/F Broadway Cinematheque

Host Steve Chung

Speakers Jung Yoon-suk

They rebel in order to resist. Singing “hail to Kim Jong-un”, organising band shows in abandoned university buildings and performing 100 songs in 10 minutes, Bamseom Pirates probably is the most controversial punk band in Korea. Listen to their tunes closely, and look into Korean politics with director Jung Yoon-suk and scholar Steve Chung who specialises in the field of Korean popular culture, you will realise that Bamseom Pirates is not just some young people who rebel without a cause.

Oct 2017 > Martin Scorsese’s Film School Talk – Paisan

31 Oct 2017

Martin Scorsese’s Film School Talk – Paisan

Date 2017.10.31 (Tue)

Time 1900 - 2200

Venue Broadway Cinematheque 1/F

Host Didi Wu

Speakers Daniel Chan

1946/ B&W/ 134 mins/English and Italian in English Subtitles
The middle film in Rossellini’s famous “war trilogy” – between Open City and Germany Year Zero – Paisà is a series of sequences from the lives of everyday Italians, both civilians and antifascist partisans, during the fight for the liberation of Italy by the Allied armies in 1943 and 1944. Starting in the south and moving north, the episodes follow the armies as they traverse the different regions – depicting tales of everyday heroism, a kind of neorealist “history from below.” Framed by a map of Italy whose pieces are illuminated one by one, the stories express a hope that fascism’s authoritarian hierarchies would be replaced with a pluralist Italy which acknowledged and celebrated regional differences.

Oct 2017 > Young talk – Oriole’s Song

26 Oct 2017

Young talk – Oriole’s Song

Date 2017.10.26 (Thu)

Time 7:00 pm

Venue 1/F Broadway Cinematheque


Speakers Shu Kei, Daniel Chan

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