Aug 09 > A Thousand Girls Like Me Post-Screening Talk

09 Aug 2022

A Thousand Girls Like Me Post-Screening Talk

Date 2022.08.09 (Tuesday)

Time 19.50

Venue Broadway Cinematheque


Speakers Sahra Mosawi-Mani

獲提名阿姆斯特丹紀錄片電影節觀眾大獎 Nominated as Audience Award, Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival   獲提名西雅圖國際電影節紀錄片競賽獎 Nominated as Documentary Competition Award, Seattle International Film Festival   阿富汗是由男性掌控一切的國家,女性可謂毫無地位,每天提心吊膽地生活於父權陰影下。年輕少女Khatera自幼被父親以關愛之名強姦虐待,甚至因姦成孕。命運總對她過份嚴苛,希望反抗父親的暴行卻求助無門,她曾嘗試報警,然而父親很快便因證據不足釋放回家。上電視台向公眾曝光自身慘況後,收到的不是公眾聲援,而是親戚的追殺令,連至親的弟弟也埋怨自己因而找不到工作。眾叛親離下,她只好帶著兒女逃往遙遠的法國,盼望故國終有一天可迎來真正改變。   A Thousand Girls Like Me is an awe-inspiring documentary that tells the story of Khatera, a young Afghan woman seeking justice and protecting her children after experiencing years of sexual abuse by her father. Despite her many attempts to file charges, neither the Afghan police nor the legal system helped her. In 2014, she appeared on national television to publicly accuse her father, finally succeeding in bringing her case to court despite threats from male relatives and judges who labelled her a liar. Sahra Mosawi-Mani’s powerful documentary illustrates a young woman’s battle against cultural, familial, and legal pressures as she embarks on a mission to set a positive example for her daughter and other girls like her – something which has rendered nearly impossible by the Taliban’s takeover of the country last year.