Lithuania is a country located in the Southeastern shores of the Baltic sea. We know little of this country, the food and the culture scene there. What will it to be like in Lithuania? Can people embrace freedom of expression? We have the first and young poet from Lithuania, Aušra Kaziliūnaitė, who is going to […]
Event Categories: Kubrick Activities
Nostalgia in the Chinese City: Antony Dapiran and Paul French
In this Cha Reading Series event “Nostalgia in the Chinese City”, Cha contributors Antony Dapiran and Paul French will discuss nostalgia in their work and in the Chinese cities where they have lived and worked for many years. Moderated by Cha co-editor Tammy Ho Lai-Ming. Nostalgia—from the Greek words nostos (‘homecoming’) and algia (‘pain’ or […]
kubrick Poetry • April
Detail to be announced. Stay Tuned. […]
Nine Dragon Island: Eleanor Goodman and Lucas Klein
In this Cha Reading Series event “Nine Dragon Island”, Cha contributors Eleanor Goodman and Lucas Klein will discuss poetry, translation, and the writing of China—alongside readings from their recent and forthcoming books, including Goodman’s Nine Dragon Island (Enclave/Zephyr, 2016) and Iron Moon: Chinese Worker Poetry (White Pine, 2017), and Klein’s October Dedications: The Selected Poetry […]
kubrick Poetry • March •「從旁觀到介入」──葉英傑新書分享會
「又或把注意力放回身下的泥土 學習如何跟它妥協,如何讓自己繼續優雅地活著。」──《旁觀生活》〈阿里山神木〉 在這個手機即拍即享的年代,詩人葉英傑仍然堅持用文字慢慢調整和構築他的視角,不爭鳴,不宣示,始終維持冷靜的敏銳。來到他的第五本詩集《旁觀生活》,英傑為我們凝住了異地、家族、浮生的生命光影,伴我們體味細水長流的甘醇。 詩人自述: 葉英傑仍然記得第一首詩是什麼時候寫的,是在1989年2月5日,地點在廣州表姐的家中,那天是農曆年廿九,說的是不想年假過得這麼快,差不多要回港捨不得廣州的親友。之後在1992年開始拿青年文學獎(19、20、21、22、24屆)。那時候他的詩使用很多意象,有人說很超現實。之後被王良和抓去跟一班詩友一起談詩;這詩社是〈我們詩社〉。後來還有〈大學詩會〉(然而參與的時候他不再是大學生了)。後來憑〈散步〉拿2000年中文文學獎。此後他就揮不開〈散步〉了。〈散步〉是他第一首很自覺的,敘事成份很重的詩。經過多年努力,終於完成了《尋找最舒適的坐姿》及最新的《旁觀生活》這兩本詩集。這兩本詩集其實是二為一體的,都是有關家,有關各親友,有關生活。是的,葉英傑的詩,似乎都離不開一直圍繞的「人」,和生活。 […]
《遇上黑色電影:香港電影的逆向思維》新書發佈會暨電影創作與研究深度對談: 張婉婷 X 陳劍梅