Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn(RJ Retro)
The title’s not merely clickbait: Radu Jude’s latest outing, which begins with a warning of “extraordinary explicit sexual content”, does what it says on the tin, starting off with a three-minute video of unsimulated sex. Shocked? Incensed? Then Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn has certainly hit the spot. Revolving around a schoolteacher whose private-use recordings of her own bedroom antics were leaked online for all to see, Jude’s film satirise show people – and societies – let slip of their masks of respectability when they rant at the much more minor transgressions of others. Banging’s first third revolves around Emi moving through ugly urban clutter in big, bad Bucharest, the menacing landscape mirroring her anxiety as she prepares to face down her pupils’ parents about her video; the final section, subtitled “Sitcom”, is the confrontation itself, a museum-set kangaroo court in which debate degenerates into racist, sexist and elitist grotesqueries. In between these two parts, Jude’s idea of fun: a stream of sardonic images – archive footage, objects, newly-shot vignettes – poking fun at past and present social mores. At once acerbic and accessible, Banging consolidates Jude’s reputation as the agent provocateur of our times.

Screened with: Plastic Semiotic
Language: Romanian(English Subtitles)
Category: IIB
Duration: 22 Mins
Director: Radu Jude
Cast: -
Story: Andre Malraux: “All true poetry is no doubt irrational insofar as it substitutes a new system of relations for the ‘established’ relations between things.” The trajectory of human life from birth to death, as shown through a montage of innocent toys.
Radu Jude
Katia Pascariu, Claudia Ieremia, Olimpia Malai, Nicodim Ungureanu
Release Date
Romanian, English, Czech, French, Russian
Run Time
128 minutes
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