The Chronicles of Libidoists
From the acclaimed director Yang Ya-che (Blue Gate Crossing; Girlfriend, Boyfriend) comes a cinematic exploration of love and longing in the neon-soaked streets of Taipei. This is a tale of four souls, each lost in their quest for sexual fulfillment, yet bound by a common yearning for something purer, something that might resemble love. Meet Lu (LIU Chu-Ping), a trans female haunted by an incomplete sense of womanhood, chasing the elusive high of a transformative ecstasy. Her best friend, Queenie (Alisia LIANG), is a wealthy heiress entangled in an arranged engagement to a gay man, seeking solace in the intricate ties of kinbaku. Their lives intersect with a heartbroken dom (Will OR) from Hong Kong, adrift in the city and nursing a lost love, and Single Pa (portrayed by Golden Horse Best Actor Wu Kang-Ren), a culinary enthusiast and former romance writer, struggling to mend the fractures in his family life.
WU Kang-Ren, LIU Chu-Ping, Alisia LIANG, Will OR
Release Date
Run Time
106 minutes
15 Oct
16 Oct
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