變態五星級 Survive Style 5+

曾勇奪康城廣告展銀獅獎的日本廣告界名導關口現,首次挑戰大銀幕,便以強烈對比的色彩、天馬行空的想像,創作了一個離奇又瘋狂的世界。淺野忠信演一心謀殺妻子的暴戾丈夫,可惜妻子「死極都死唔去」,次次翻生,且能量愈來愈勁;阿部寬是野性催眠師,一次表現時,竟在台上遇刺;小泉今日子是廣告界奇才,在家卻經常遭丈夫奚落,遂決定僱用殺手來謀殺親夫;有人上台接受催眠,誰知被催成一隻巨鳥,從此妻兒大為苦惱……一次比遊樂場更奇異的旅程,途中還有千葉真一、三浦友和、Vinnie Jones等猛人客串演出。


A humorous world fully appreciated by Japanese pop culture, SURVIVE STYLE 5+ is filled with creative imagination. Ishigaki wants to kill his violent wife but despite all the murderous efforts, she keeps coming back to life – and every time stronger and wilder. Aoyama, the popular hypnotist, due to be murdered by a hired killer just when his audience is hypnotized. Yoko, the young and energetic TV commercial planner, who hires Aoyama's assassin Kobayashi, who is hypnotized on stage and then becomes convinced that he is a bird, to the great concern and confusion of his wife and children…
Gen Sekiguchi's treatment completely changes our ordinary views on the world we live in and gives unexpected twists throughout the film.

‧PSB Audience Award, Pusan International Film Festival 2004

Oct 2 (Sun) 9:40pm / apm
Oct 8 (Sat) 7:30pm / bc


日本 Japan/ 2004/ 彩色 Color/ 35mm/ 120min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles
導演Dir:關口現 Sekiguchi Gen
主演Cast:淺野忠信Tadanobu Asano、橋本麗香Reika Hashimoto、小泉今日子Kyoko Koizumi、阿部寬Hiroshi Abe