Movie 電影 |
I Sell Love 販賣愛 |
Info 電影資料 |
香港 Hong Kong / 2014 / 96 min 粵語對白,中英文字幕 In Cantonese with Chinese and English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
朱家宏 Kevin Chu |
Cast 演員 |
陳嘉桓 Rose Chan, 廖啟智 Liu Kai-chi, 周柏豪 Pakho Chau |
改編自三度公演的原著舞台劇和暢銷小說《我的援交日記》,陳嘉桓首次擔正女主角,轉型做援交少女,床戰智叔又與周柏豪親熱,為錢為自身大解扣!Tiffany與母親相依為命,玩Apps為了一個價,抵不住誘惑,處女下海搭上長期飯票,認識年青醫生Rex後看清自己,重生前必須付出沉重的代價。《但願人長久》導演朱家宏睽違八年再執導筒,與原著作者兼舞台劇演員朱鳳嫻聯手改編,緊貼時代呈現性工作者的面貌更加入多個本土議題, 援交女除了肉體關係以外,有苦能向誰訴,賣肉的前因後果比過去的複雜得多。
Looking for a quick way out of her financial troubles, university student Tiffany (Rose Chan) turns to compensated dating. After an unpleasant experience, Tiffany decides to take on a long-term sponsor in Cheung (Liu Kai-chi). Over time, the two develop a seemingly normal relationship – that is, until Tiffany falls for a young idealist (Pakho Chau). A cautionary tale set in an era of dating via smartphone applications and young girls selling their bodies for designer handbags, director Kevin Chu’s provocative indie drama asks whether we can put a price tag on everything in the world, including love and dreams. If every decision comes with a price, then what price are we willing to pay to fulfill our desires?