The Dark Harbour (Futoko)

PFF獎學金(hkaff 2008 專題)資助作品,年僅27歲的新進導演内藤隆 嗣首部長編電影。從未嘗戀愛滋味的38歲漁夫萬造,希望在相 睇大會抱得美人歸,結束毒男生活,可是弄巧反拙洋相盡出。 一天,家裹來了個不速之客,一名失落婦人和她的兒子,投靠 萬造,展開一段不一樣的戀情,但當以為從此可以一家三口幸 幸福福地過活,誰知……荒涼的漁村,凸顯漁夫寡佬們的求偶 心切,既幽默又能擊中要害,導演年紀輕輕便拍得精練有力之 餘又不失人文精神,前途無可限量。

Reveling in deadpan comedy and bittersweet details, 18th PFF Scholarship winner Naito Takatsugu’s delightful debut feature looks at life with a wry eye and a warm heart. Lonely, awkward fisherman Manzo is going on forty but still single. He sets out with high hopes for a matchmaking party at the local bar, but luck and finesse are not on his side. When he returns home, he is surprised to discover a woman and her child hiding in his closet. Just like that, he’s found a family but things don’t turn out as he plans.

日本 Japan / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 101 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 内藤隆嗣 Naito Takatsugu
主演 Cast: 小手伸也 Shinya Kote, 宮本裕子 Yuko Miyamoto, 廣岡和樹 Kazuki Hirooka

Special Mention, New Talent Competition, Taipei Film Festival 2009


27/10 / 7:30pm / bc
29/10 / 7:30pm / apm