愛在這裡 錯在那裡

星洲導演何子彥首部長片,已獲邀參展康城,此片大膽試探意識 和真實的界限,骨子裡卻是個簡單不過的愛情故事。男人發現 老婆被殺,他凝視著屍體,一幕幕前塵往事如像映畫戲般重現 眼前。受到老婆遽然離世的打擊,男人選擇與世界割裂,從此一 言不發。在精神病院中他遇上有偷竊癖的女院友,竟發生了微妙 的關係。當男人逐漸適應新生活後,卻被選中參與一項實驗,令 他不得不面對自己過去、現在、未來背後的驚人真相。

Singaporean director Ho Tzu Nyen’s first feature film follows the journey of He Zhi-yuan, a middle-aged man who struggles to make sense of his reality. Reeling from the sudden death of his wife, he loses the will to speak and is interned at Island Hospital. There, he meets strident kleptomaniac Beatrice with whom he forms an inexplicable bond. As he adjusts to life within, he is selected for an experimental treatment, which forces him to confront the devastating truth behind his past, present and future.

新加坡 Singapore / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 86 min
英語、國語、印尼語、尼泊爾語對白,英文字幕 In English, Mandarin, Indonesian, Nepali with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 何子彥 Ho Tzu Nyen
主演 Cast: John Low, Jo Tan

Directors’ Fortnight, Cannes Film Festival 2009


25/10 / 3:45pm / ifc
26/10 / 8:00pm / ifc