The Man Beyond the Bridge (Paltadacho Munis)

Vinayak在卡納塔克邦邊境當森林看守員,氣慣難平而鬱鬱不歡, 憶起亡妻倍感悽涼。一夜間衣衫襤褸的瘋女子離奇出現在森林之 中,打開了Vinayak的心屝。最後為保護身懷六甲的女子,他唯有 硬著頭皮與迷信的村民對著幹。來自果阿邦導演從印度人對宗教 的愚昧有深切的體會,神愛世人,世人卻對瘋子唾棄不理,來反 諷世人對神靈的盲目祟拜。

Unfolding in the dense forests of Goa, THE MAN BEYOND THE BRIDGE follows Vinayak, a forest guard who patrols protected lands while memories of his dead wife haunt him. One night, a madwoman appears at his door and Vinayak feeds her, starting a tentative friendship. Vinayak comes to care for her, finally taking her into his home and bed. But before long she is pregnant, and Vinayak becomes an object of public suspicion. Using uncommon landscapes, director Laxmikant Shetgaonkar gracefully explores man’s responsibility towards those in need, and also asks when the protection offered can go too far.

印度 India / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 96 min
印度語對白,英文字幕 In Konkani with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Laxmikant Shetgaonkar
主演 Cast: Chittaranjan Giri, Veena Jamkar, Prasanthi Talpanker

Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2009


27/10 / 9:40pm / bc
28/10 / 7:30pm / apm