Heiran (Heiraan)

愛神還是要愛人,苦了一對中東小戀人。17歲伊朗少女Mahi邂 逅身份不明的阿富汗小子Heiran,在傳統家人反對之下,相愛很 難。生於斯長於斯的伊朗紀錄片女編導Shalizeh Arefpour首部長 篇電影,關注三百萬阿富汗人非法入境的民生問題,塔利班革 命尚未成功,愛情真理兩難存。已故傳奇影星Khosro Shakibaei. 的最後作品。

Young Mahi meets illegal immigrant Heiran and falls instantly in love. Denied her ideal union – her parents won’t have her marrying an Afghan – Mahi follows Heiran to Tehran where the two begin a meager life spurred on by love. But faced with the yawning divide between hopeful youth and cruel adulthood, Mahi learns too late that love simply cannot conquer all. Documentary filmmaker Shalizeh Arefpour makes an auspicious feature debut with this incisive, eye-opening drama. Featuring a final performance from the late and legendary Khosro Shakibaei.

伊朗 Iran / 2009 / 彩色 Colour / 88 min
波斯語對白,英文字幕 In Persian with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Shalizeh Arefpour
主演 Cast: Baran Kosari, Mehrdad Sedighian, Khosro Shakibaei

Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2009
Official Selection, Tunis International Film Festival 2009


26/10 / 1:50pm / bc
27/10 / 8:00pm / apm