
「送君千里,終須一別」這句老話,在內地年輕導演趙曄的第二 部作品《扎賚諾爾》中得到詩意的詮釋。地處中國最北端、內蒙 古的扎賚諾爾是個百年礦區,也難敵時代巨輪。開蒸汽火車的朱 老頭決定在退休前離開那裡,去找住在中俄邊境的女兒共享天 倫;朱老頭的徒弟也跟著上路,默默相隨。只是,情感上的離留 如何抉擇?學院出身的趙曄大膽捨棄傳統的戲劇化敘事處理,細 膩描繪人物心理活動,在寒冬冰冷的氛圍中透出暖暖的人文情 懷。

Jalainur is a century-old coal-mining town in Inner Mongolia, where steam locomotives still run on the railways. When elderly trainman Zhu decides to leave behind his post and reunite with his daughter, his young apprentice Li follows closely on his trail. Inspired by an old Chinese saying meaning “Even if I can accompany you for a thousand miles, finally we still have to part”, Mainland director Zhao Ye crafts a film about the emotional weight of bidding farewell - whether to a friend, a place, or a vanishing time.

中國 China / 2008 / 彩色 Colour / 92 min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 趙曄 Zhao Ye
主演 Cast: 劉遠生 Liu Yuansheng, 李治中 Li Zhizhong

Asian New Talent Award, Shanghai International Film Festival 2009
FIPRESCI Prize, Pusan International Film Festival 2008


28/10 / 7:30pm / ifc
29/10 / 9:50pm / bc