Movie 電影 |
Another Family 來自三星的孩子 |
Info 電影資料 |
南韓 South Korea / 2014 / 120 min 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
金泰潤 Kim Tae-yoon |
Cast 演員 |
朴哲民 Park Cheol-min, 金玟善 Kim Min-sun |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 羅迦諾電影節 Locarno International Film Festival |
韓國蟻民向三星集團宣戰的電影,根據真人真事改編,黃于宓高 中畢業即加入三星集團旗下的半導體工廠工作來幫補家計,她的父親對以此引以為傲,可惜于宓22歲得了突發白血病過身,她的同事也相繼出事,究竟是巧合還是事出有因。大財團隻手遮天,遊說家屬賠償當了事,甚至製造醫學報告;父親誓為亡女取回公道,踏上與財閥長達七年的漫長抗爭。導演金泰潤、演員朴哲民、金玟善等不懼強權,儘管題材敏感,靠有心人的捐助終告完成拍攝,成為韓國首部人民集資的電影,就算有無形之手幾番阻撓上映,成功引起民眾的迴響。同期上映三星職災紀錄片《貪慾 帝國》。
Another Family serves as an ideal complement to documentary Empire of Shame, also screening at this year’s edition of HKAFF. While the documentary chronicles the journey of families who lost their loved ones due to hazardous conditions in Samsung’s semiconductor plant, Another Family gives a compelling fictionalized account of the same true story. Park Cheol-min gives an emotionally gripping performance as Sang-gu, a taxi driver whose young daughter dies from leukemia after working in a major corporation’s plant. Taking on the corporation, Sang-gu is determined to tell his daughter’s story so that no one will ever have to follow in her footsteps. The first South Korean independent film to be partially financed by crowd-funding.