焦點導演 - 萬瑪才旦
Movie 電影 |
Flares Wafting In 1983 喇叭褲飄蕩在一九八三 |
Info 電影資料 |
西藏 Tibet / 2008 / 89 min 國語對白,中文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
萬瑪才旦 Pema Tseden |
Cast 演員 |
萬昌皓 Wan Changhao, 白恩 Bai En, 孫琳琳 Sun Linlin |
同場加映短片: 《靜靜的嘛呢石》
A rare Mandarin-language film by Pema Tseden, this is a deceptively conventional work about a young man’s coming of age. Narrated by a young boy, the film follows his elder brother as he attempts to be the first person from their small village to attend college. But the older brother meets obstacles, including an unforeseen liaison with an admiring classmate, and ultimately leaves town amidst questions of his character and integrity. Still, the younger brother believes in his elder brother, and steadfastly believes his brother has gone to scale the Bayan Har Mountains. Based on a novel by Wang Shiyue, Flares Wafting in 1983 is an elegiac tale about youth coming to terms with reality.
Screen with The Silent Manistone