焦點導演 - 萬瑪才旦
Movie 電影 |
The Silent Holy Stones 靜靜的嘛呢石 |
Info 電影資料 |
西藏 Tibet / 2006 / 98 min 藏語國語對白,中英文字幕 In Tibetan and Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
萬瑪才旦 Pema Tseden |
Cast 演員 |
洛桑丹派 Danpei Lama, 三木旦 Sanmu-dan, Limaojia, 普日哇 Puri-wa, 確賽 Quesai, 巨煥倉活佛Quhuancang Buddha |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
上海電影節 最佳導演 Best Director, Shanghai International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival 長春電影節 評委會特別獎 Grand Jury Prize, Changchun Film Festival |
China’s first Tibetan-language film and Pema Tseden’s first feature, The Silent Holy Stones tells a charming but also concerning story about the quiet erosion of Tibetan culture. A ten year-old Chinese boy (Danpei Lama) has lived in a monastery his whole life, selected at an early age to train as a Buddhist monk. Called “Little Lama”, the boy takes a 48-hour holiday to see his family on the New Year, only to become enraptured by his family’s television. Hooked on TV serials adapting The Journey to the West, he resolves to bring the television back to the monastery to show his master. Meanwhile, the reality of Little Lama’s shifting devotions slowly becomes apparent to everyone around him.