Movie 電影 |
Killers 網絡瘋殺 |
Info 電影資料 |
Japan, Indonesia / 2014 / 137min 日語,印語,英語對白,英文字幕 Japanese, Indonesian and English with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
The Mo Brothers |
Cast 演員 |
北村一輝 Kitamura Kazuki, Oka Antara, 高梨臨 Takanashi Rin, Luna Maya |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
辛丹士電影節 Sudance Film Festival |
兇手的誕生,超越一切邪惡!日本印尼兩大班男北村一輝與 Oka Antara 聯手主演。白領殺人魔野村嗜血成狂,以虐殺女性為樂,手法兇殘得難以想像,影片網路瘋傳竟引來身處雅加達的記者祟拜! 他不但連環虐殺女性,還全程錄影即時上載。一個是狂兇極惡的殺人者,另一個是越陷越深的祟拜者,通過網絡互相分享驚世弒血計劃,二人看似惺惺相惜,其實卻是邪惡向死亡宣戰的序幕。印尼兄弟檔The Mo Brothers繼血肉盛宴《Macabre》後又一矚目新作,激爆國際影壇。
After making a splash with the 2010 slasher horror Macabre, The Mo Brothers go deeper into the root of violence in an extreme psychological thriller about two serial killers in different countries who become inextricably connected. In Tokyo, sleek white-collar sociopath Nomura (Kitamura Kazuki) tortures and kills women for pleasure, then uploads the videos of his exploits onto the Internet. In Jakarta, frustrated journalist Bayu (Oka Antara) is inspired to kill by Nomura’s videos, but he does so in the name of vigilante justice. Bayu also posts his kill online, catching Nomura’s notice. The two begin to communicate and feed off each other as the deaths rack up towards a blood-soaked face-off.