Movie 電影 |
Make Me Shudder 2: Mae Nak Horror 嚇鬼2嫂 |
Info 電影資料 |
泰國 Thailand / 2014 / 120min 泰語對白, 英文字幕 In Thai with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
普安農 Poj Apirut |
Cast 演員 |
Wanida Termthanaporn, Kunatip Pinpradub, Pongpitch Preechaborisuthigul |
第一部票房狂收,導演普安農聯同原班人馬製作,今年新年再來學校鬧鬼,把當地的升學問題放入續集,情節還與《嚇鬼阿嫂》c r o s s o v e r ! 每間學校總有許多靈異傳說, 都蘭高校有一群不怕死的高中生,經過第一集捉鬼敢死隊的歷劫後,Nick、James、Bew等本來打算改邪歸正,生性讀書;但大學聯考將至,為了追求好成績而不擇手段,來到娜娜求神問卜,竟然穿越時空,重返鬼妻傳說,為友情和愛情進行荒唐的史詩大冒險!完全是天馬行空的黑色幽默,比第一集恐怖歡笑再升級!
After surviving a haunted school, the raucous, trouble-baiting teenage boys of Poj Apirut’s blockbuster horror comedy Make Me Shudder are back for more loud-mouthed supernatural encounters in this irreverent twist on Thailand’s most famous ghost story. This time, they’ve crossed none other than Mae Nak, the legendary ghost of Thai folklore that has inspired numerous films. After praying for good exam results at the Mae Nak Shrine, the boys suddenly get transported back to the time of Mae Nak. Their only choice is to do as she bids and retrieve her beloved husband from the battlefield, but utter havoc will break out when it’s revealed that Mae Nak is actually dead.