Movie 電影 |
Tokyo Tribe 東京暴族 |
Info 電影資料 |
日本 Japan / 2014 / 116 min 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
園子温 Sono Sion |
Cast 演員 |
鈴木亮平 Suzuki Ryohei, Young Dais, 清野菜名Seino Nana, 佐藤隆太 Sato Ryuta, 染谷將太 Sometani Shota, 窪塚洋介 Kubozuka Yosuke, 竹內力 Takeuchi Riki, Denden |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival |
日本漫畫家井上三太風靡一時的漫畫創作,《東京暴族》敘述由武藏野SARU對抗大幫派池袋WU-RONZ,仇恨一觸即發!一 直是HKAFF影迷最愛的鬼才導演園子溫,繼《戀之罪》(第九 屆)、《一代電影粉皮》(第十屆)再把暴力升級,真人電影版血漿伺候,街頭黑道大火拼,重現大量斷肢等限制級血腥鏡頭以及坦克開入東京街頭的誇張場面。鈴木亮平、YOUNG DAIS、佐藤隆太、窪塚洋介等黑幫各據山頭大混戰,令人看得熱血沸騰,浩大的聲勢讓漫畫迷引頸以待。
Young hip-hop-styled gangs swarm the streets in Tokyo Tribe, from acclaimed cult director and HKAFF favorite Sono Sion. When a member of the Musashino Saru gang is killed by rival gang Bukuro Wu-Ronz, it sparks bitter conflicts that escalate into an all-out, blood-in-the-streets gang war among the many Tokyo tribes. An adaptation of the popular manga by Inoue Santa, whose work also inspired psychodrama The Neighbor No. Thirteen, this “rap musical” features a cast of fresh newcomers and genuine rappers, plus several familiar faces from previous Sono films. Besides a unique script comprised mostly of rap lyrics, Sono offers a baroque and wildly entertaining mixture of over-the-top characters, colorful humor, insane action and gleeful, take-no-prisoners attitude.