Movie 電影 |
Peeping Life 脫力系 人生劇場 |
Info 電影資料 |
日本 Japan / 2008-2014 / 75min 日語、國語對白, 中英文字幕 In Japanese and Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
森瞭維智 Mori Ryoichi |
Cast 演員 |
李亞爸, 李亞媽, 李亞哥, 李亞妹 |
《脫力系 人生劇場》以超乎尋常浪費CG技術的技巧,創作出一系列日常生活中偶然發生的無意義娛樂大片,可說是脫力系中的表表哥。有別科幻、唯美的動畫,主題圍繞在人們所熟悉的日常對話,只是人物普通之餘又性格鮮明,故事沒有劇情之餘又充滿張力。導演本人更脫力脫入骨,聲演自言自語古怪宅男阿宅,入木三分,將脫力即興對白與天然呆CG融為一體,真心天馬行空,無聊到發笑。自2008年起推出以來深受都市人愛戴,曾在日本創造45萬張的銷售量,還獲得第25回數位內容大獎。
The lame ennui of daily life breeds comedy gold in Mori Ryoichi’s Peeping Life. Created through motion-capture and CG animation, the popular series peeps at everyday Japanese life with inspired shorts of conversation snippets between ordinary people in different settings on a multitude of topics. The simple setup yields measured yet unpredictable conversations about banalities, grievances and curiosities that play out slowly in dry, absurd and absolutely hilarious manner. Every word and pause build up towards the ultimate punchline: life.