Movie 電影 |
Tada’s Do-it-all House: Disconcerto 真幌站前狂騷曲 |
Info 電影資料 |
日本 Japan / 2014 / 124 min 日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
大森立嗣 Omoro Tatsushi |
Cast 演員 |
瑛太 Eita, 松田龍平 Matsuda Ryuhei, 鈴木杏 Suzuki Anne, 高良健吾 Kora Kengo, 大森南朋 Omori Nao |
《字裡人間》原著小說家三浦紫苑的另一代表作《真幌站前》系列,導演大森立嗣回巢掌鏡,新作《狂騷曲》仍然以虛構城市真幌為舞台,兩位主演瑛太和松田龍平再化身真幌 站前「多田便利屋」的憨厚老闆多田啟介和在便利屋當助手的帥哥好友行天春彥,經歷了《番外地》T V 篇逐漸建立兄弟般的真摯友情,今回行天的女兒登場,真幌站地下組織還來攪局,竟讓二人捲入一起公車劫案,陷入空前危機。原班人馬繼續發揮hea爆精神,再新加入的明星陣容,瑛太X松田龍平X高良健吾X真木陽子X永瀨正敏,真幌脫著力走!
Tada (Eita) is the operator of a “benriya” – a business that helps people with miscellaneous tasks – in the suburban neighborhood of Mahoro. One day, Tada’s old high school classmate Gyoten (Matsuda Ryuhei) shows up out of the blue and convinces Tada to take him in for one night. The supposedly short visit turns into a far longer stay, and Tada is finally forced to hire Gyoten as his assistant. Now a twoman operation, Tada’s “benriya” takes on jobs ranging from cleaning someone’s yard to finding the missing owner of a dog. Based on the novel series by Miura Shion, director Omori Tatsushi’s delightful odd-couple comedy offers an eccentric twist on the private detective genre.