Funny Games
- 城堡
The Castle (Das Scholß)
- 巴黎怨曲
Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys
(Code inconnu: Recit incomplet de divers voyages)
- 鋼琴教師
The Piano Teacher (La Pianiste)
- 暴狼時刻
The Time of the Wolf
(Le Temps du loup)
- 偷拍
Hidden (Caché)
4/7 (Fri) 9:40pm | ifc
20/7 (Sun) 7:40pm | bc

Hidden (Caché)

法國 France / 2005 / 117min / 35mm / Colour
法語對白,中英文字幕 In French with English and Chinese subtitles
演員 Cast:丹尼爾奧圖Daniel Auteuil, 茱麗葉庇洛仙 Juliette Binoche



The premise of this quietly terrifying film is fiendishly simple: Parisian couple Georges and Anne start receiving videotapes of their home from an anonymous stalker. But there are many layers to this mystery, some are traced back to Georges’ childhood, while some are tied directly to France’s colonial past. Part paranoid thriller, part political allegory, Haneke raises questions of guilt, responsibility and complacency that have global implications and won the prize for Best Direction at Cannes 2005. Some critics deplored its lack of a resolution, but perhaps it works precisely because it does not propose to solve the mystery: the audience are left feeling as the characters feel, uneasy, violated, spied upon, surrounded by faceless observers.