Funny Games
- 城堡
The Castle (Das Scholß)
- 巴黎怨曲
Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys
(Code inconnu: Recit incomplet de divers voyages)
- 鋼琴教師
The Piano Teacher (La Pianiste)
- 暴狼時刻
The Time of the Wolf
(Le Temps du loup)
- 偷拍
Hidden (Caché)
5/7 (Sat) 7:40pm | ifc
13/7 (Sun) 2:15pm | bc

The Time of the Wolf (Le Temps du loup)

法國 France / 2003 / 113min / 35mm / Colour
法語對白,英文字幕 In French with English subtitles
演員Cast:伊莎貝雨蓓Isabelle Huppert, 丹尼爾杜華Danial Duval, 比雅翠絲黛爾Béatrice Dalle



The film’s title is drawn apparently from an ancient Germanic poem, describing the time before the end of the world. Yet in making his fable about a nameless Western society where traditional ‘civilisation’ has collapsed, Haneke steers clear of traditional disaster movies and their pyrotechnic spectacles. He chooses to focus on a traumatised mother Anne and her two young children, and their efforts to survive. It does not take long to figure out that the fantasy of last-minute rescue that hovers over most disaster movies is unlikely to be fulfilled here. It is, ultimately, a moral horror story intended to shame privileged Western viewers into recognizing that, the conditions endured by Anne and her children are not science fiction but daily reality.