- 毀滅之路(上集):阻隔
Lemmings, Part 1: Arcades
(Lemminge, Teil 1 Arkadien)

Lemmings, Part 2: Injuries Injuries
(Lemminge, Teil 2 Verletzungen)

- 艾倫,你是誰?
Who Was Edgar Allan?
(Wer war Edgar Allan?)
- 最後之反叛
The Rebellion (Die Rebellion)
6/7 (Sun) 4:05pm | bc
19/7 (Sat) 3:45pm | bc

Lemmings, Part 2: Injuries
Injuries (Lemminge, Teil 2 Verletzungen)

奧地利 德國 Austria Germany / 1979 / 107min / Digi-Beta / Colour
德語對白,英文字幕 In German with English subtitles
演員 Cast:Monica Bleibtreu, Elfriede Irrall, Rüdiger Hacker, Wolfgang Hübsch


Lemminge在此所指的是一個德國古老寓言,亦即格林童話中有關魔笛手為報復而奏笛引領小孩步向死亡的故事。《毀滅之路》是漢尼卡為奧地利電視台攝製,分上下集的電視電影,內容圍繞漢尼卡的同生代,即成長於二戰後的奧地利人。故事上集描述五十年代青少年與父母之間的代溝問題,一群中學生生活在物質充裕但道德蒼白的中產城區;性慾的壓抑、死板的道德觀念、無力提供指引及遠大理念的家長,都逐一損害到這群青少年的個性發展。下集展示了七十年代時,已從青少年階段長大的成人是如何欠缺過正常生活的技巧,如何走向自毀。在他們身上,上一代的罪疚及壓抑被進一步放大。漢尼卡曾表示:「故事中的主角無法改變現狀,雖然在下集中他們真的有嘗試,尤其是女主角…… 假如這部電影有任何成就,那就是營造了一種共同受苦及團結的感受。」

Lemminge is a two-part drama, made for Austrian Television, about the fate of Haneke’s own generation that came of age after World War II. Part One, Arkadien (Arcades), depicts the generational gap between 1950’s teenagers and their parents. A group of high school students grows up in the affluent but morally restrictive bourgeois world of the Wiener Neustadt. The challenges they are confronted with — sexual repression, moral rigidity, and their parents’ inability to give them guidance and vision — ends up permanently damaging these teenagers’ personalities. Part Two, Verletzungen (Injuries) shows how these Fifties teens have grown up to be dysfunctional and suicidal adults in the Seventies. They have now amplified the guilt and repression that their parents passed on to them. As Haneke once said, “The main characters are unable to change, but in Part Two they really try, especially the women…. This film, if it achieves anything, might create a feeling of common solidarity and suffering.”