- 毀滅之路(上集):阻隔
Lemmings, Part 1: Arcades
(Lemminge, Teil 1 Arkadien)

Lemmings, Part 2: Injuries Injuries
(Lemminge, Teil 2 Verletzungen)

- 艾倫,你是誰?
Who Was Edgar Allan?
(Wer war Edgar Allan?)
- 最後之反叛
The Rebellion (Die Rebellion)
11/7 (Fri) 8:00pm | bc
19/7 (Sat) 2:10pm | bc

Who Was Edgar Allan? (Wer war Edgar Allan?)

奧地利 德國 Austria Germany / 1984 / 83min / Digi-Beta / Colour
德語對白,英文字幕In German with English subtitles
演員 Cast:Paulus Manker, Rolf Hoppe, Guido Wieland, Renzo Martini


電視作品Who was Edgar Allan?改編自Peter Rosei的小說,影片以推理片的形式看待兩代之間的衝突。故事主人翁是名藝術史學生,其父親是著名美國偵探小說作家Edgar Allan Poe的忠實讀者。父親的突然死亡令學生承受可觀遺產,但這並沒對他的生活引起太大變化,他繼續逃離「正常」生活,放棄攻讀醫科,把金錢花費在毒品和酒精之上。一次偶然,學生遇到一名自稱Edgar Allan的神秘年長美國男子。神秘男子似乎知悉一宗毒品交易的內幕,學生決定要追查他的真正身份。然而在追尋真相的同時,學生卻越發懷疑到底甚麼才是「真相」……

Who was Edgar Allan? first shown on Austrian Television, depicts generational conflict through the lens of the mystery genre. The film adapts Peter Rosei’s novel about an art history student’s obsession with an American, who becomes his mysterious double and criminal counterpart. The student tries to escape the demands of a “normal” life (he is supposed to study medicine) by spending his father’s allowance on drugs and alcohol. After the death of his father (who was an avid reader of the American author Edgar Allan Poe), the student becomes intrigued with an older man, who apparently knows something about a drug deal, and he obsessively tries to determine the identity of this man who calls himself Edgar Allan.