- 毀滅之路(上集):阻隔
Lemmings, Part 1: Arcades
(Lemminge, Teil 1 Arkadien)

Lemmings, Part 2: Injuries Injuries
(Lemminge, Teil 2 Verletzungen)

- 艾倫,你是誰?
Who Was Edgar Allan?
(Wer war Edgar Allan?)
- 最後之反叛
The Rebellion (Die Rebellion)
5/7 (Sat) 7:45pm | bc
16/7 (Wed) 7:45pm | bc

The Rebellion (Die Rebellion)

奧地利 Austria / 1993 / 90min / Digi-Beta / Colour
德語對白,英文字幕 In German with English subtitles
演員 Cast:Branko Samarovski, Judit Pogány, Thierry Van Werveke, Deborah Wisniewski


本片改編自Joseph Roth 的小說,故事主角Andreas Pum對法紀堅信不移,在一次大戰中為國王為國家而戰時失去了一條腿,但這一切換來的,只不過是一台手搖風琴及一份賣藝執照。某日,他與一名紳士打架,擾亂了治安的同時,亦擾亂了他平靜的生活,這使他失掉執照且成為階下囚。出獄後,他只能靠在咖啡廳清潔廁所維生。一直過著潦倒生活的他到臨終時才突然醒悟,自己的一生都循規蹈矩、唯唯諾諾,但到頭來得到了甚麼?這份反叛精神又是否來得太遲了點?

Based on a novel by Joseph Roth and made for Austrian Television, this is the story of Andreas Pum, a man who lost his leg in World War I, fought for his Emperor and homeland and firmly believes in law and order. All he receives as a thank you is a barrel organ and a license. One day he gets into a fight with a well-dressed gentleman, disturbs the peace and hits a policeman. He loses his license, is thrown into prison and, after his release, earns his living by cleaning toilets at the Café Halali. Only when he is near death does he realize that he was much too well behaved all his life and followed too many rules.