19/7 (Wed) / 9:40pm / bc
27/7 (Thu) / 8:00pm / bc
"The Calm hasn't got anything to do with politics. It simply tells the story of a man who wants very little and can't get it."
The Calm (Spoloj)
波蘭 Poland / 1976 / 82min / Beta / Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles
演員Cast : Jerzy Stuhr, Isabella Olszewska, Jerzy Trela

被囚三年後刑滿出獄的政治犯安德,一心只想過安穩平靜的生活。他在建築界找到工作,又與心儀的女孩結婚。正當一切順利之際,麻煩卻接踵而來。工地裡的同僚因工資糾紛發動罷工,而安德與老闆卻份屬老友,但在當時的社會制度下,騎牆是不可能的事,安德想面面俱圓,卻換來兩面不討好 ─ 俗世中找安穩談何容易?奇斯洛夫斯基曾經講過,此片的創作動機源於與拍攝《疤》時認識的Jerzy Stuhr再次合作。Jerzy Stuhr率真自然的演技把夾縫中的小人物演活了,難怪能成為奇斯洛夫斯基的愛將,一生中與他五度結片緣,包括1994年的《白》。

同場加映:《電車》(1966/5') 是導演的學生作品,刻劃一對年青男女在電車上的偶遇,主題與手法都帶有後期作品的影子。
Political prisoner Antek is released after three years in jail. He finds a good job and a pretty girlfriend, and fully intends to embark on a quiet life. But trouble soon ensues. Fellow workers at his construction site start a strike to protest a pay dock, but Antek is good friends with the boss. No matter how hard he tries to please everyone, he is eventually forced to take sides. For those living in a society in turmoil, a quiet life is an impossible dream. Kieslowski said the major impetus for making the film came from wanting to work again with actor Jerzy Stuhr, whom he first encountered while making The Scar. Stuhr's open and honest performance breathes life into the every-man role. No wonder he became one of Kieslowski's most often used actor, appearing in five of his films in all.

Screened with: The Tram (1966/5') is the master's student film about a boy who encounters the woman of his dreams in a tram, but dares not speak to her. Both the detailed depictions of the tram's various passengers and the theme of chance bear the hallmark of the director's later works.