16/7 (Sun) / 9:40pm / bc
25/7 (Tue) / 9:40pm / AMC
「《十誡》最精彩的意念是:每一誡由不同的攝影師操刀...... 真是美妙極了。」
"The best idea I had in Decalogue was that each of the ten films were made by a different lighting cameraman... It was fantastic."
Decalogue 9 & 10 (Dekalog 9 & 10)
波蘭 Poland / 1988 / 87min / 35mm / Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles
演員 Cast : Ewa Blaszczyk, Piotr Machaloca, Jerzy Stuhr, Zbigniew Zamachowski


第十誡:「不准貪戀他人財物。」難得一見的奇斯洛夫斯基喜劇小品,以黑色幽默述說現代人最有共鳴的故事:貪字得個貧。話說兩兄弟在父親死後,發現父親一直珍藏的發黃小紙片,竟是價值連城的古董郵票!兩人全被這些寶貝迷住了,為求配齊一套三款的飛船郵票,哥哥甚至不介意以健康的腎臟來交換,結果卻令人啼笑皆非!《白》的男主角(Zbigniew Zamachowski)飾演哥哥一角,極之搞笑。
Decalogue 9: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife." A middle-aged doctor, whose sex life has ended because of illness, knows that his marriage is bound to fall apart. This becomes a self-fulfilled prophecy when he spies on his wife and hears her making love with another man. Can Platonic love really exist in real life?

Decalogue 10: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's goods." Kieslowksi's only comical work among the Decalogues is filled with black humor. Two brothers - a punk rocker and a conservative family man - discover that their recently deceased father kept a fortune in stamps in his flat. They become so obsessed with this unusual inheritance and the elder brother is even ready to exchange his kidney for a valuable zeppelin stamp, so as to make his father's collection complete! Zbigniew Zamachowski, who will later star in White, gives an extraordinary performance as the elder brother.