18/7 (Tue) / 9:40pm / bc
24/7 (Mon) / 7:40pm / bc
"My attitude is: even if something is happening which isn't right, even if somebody is acting badly, in my opinion, then I have to try and understand that person."
短片節目二 : 制度和官僚
Shorts Program 2 : The System and Bureaucracy
波蘭 Poland / 1966-1978 /
全長Total: 101min / 35mm / B/W & Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles

Kieslowski is very interested in the way bureaucracy affects people and how they relate to one another. In Office (1966/6'), people lined up at a state insurance company are asked over and over again, "What have you done with your life?" Refrain (1972/11') depicts the bureaucracy involved in funerals. The state pries into lives of everyone, even beyond the grave. From a Nightporter's Point of View (1978/17') portrays an authoritarian night porter who values regulations more than people. Kieslowski takes great pains to remain objective and let his subject speak for himself. Hospital (1976/22') is more nail-bitingly intense than any episode of ER, because every frame is real. The staff of an orthopedic hospital must contend with faulty equipment and unreliable electricity in their unending efforts to treat patients. In Curriculum Vitae (1975/45') the Communist Party Control Board examines the case of a Party member and decides whether or not to expel him. The Party member being interrogated is played by an actor, but his curriculum vitae is compiled from known cases.