法國France/1984/110mins/35mm/ 法語對白 英文字幕 In French with English Subtitles
導演Dir: 貝托比利亞Bertrand Blier
演員Cast: 阿倫狄龍Alain Delon, 娜塔莉芘爾Nathalie Baye
A young, mysterious woman (Nathalie Baye) walks into
a train compartment where a middle-aged alcoholic man (Delon) is sitting alone.
She starts to seduce him by telling a mesmerizing story about a man and a woman;
when her spell falls on him, she decides to leave, which prompts him to follow
her - OUR STORY sheds new lights on conventional themes with an unusual
narrative structure and strong performances from the cast. Alain Delon makes
a radical
break from his classic hard man gangster/cop image and delivers one of his best
performances as a middle-age loser which won him a Best Actor at Cesar.
14/5 (Sat) / 7:50pm / bc
16/5 (Mon) / 5:40pm / bc |