法國France/1970/140mins/35mm/ 法語對白 英文字幕 In French with English Subtitles
導演Dir: 尚皮亞梅維爾 Jean-Pierre Melville
演員Cast: 阿倫狄龍Alain Delon, 徹仁馬利亞溫洛狄Gian Maria Volonte, 依斯蒙坦Yves Montand, 安祖寶維Andre
單看開首這個鏡頭巳經不得了 — 長鏡頭一鏡直落,從直昇機推近到火車廂中,一氣呵成地交代了幹探押解犯人的途中。令人驚嘆的鏡頭場面陸續有來,兩雄奪寶一場,更直接影響了其後的吳宇森。在《劫寶群英》內,命運把互不相干的人帶到一起。梅維爾的愛將阿倫狄龍飾演剛出獄的哥爾,與逃犯溫祖
(徹仁馬利亞溫洛狄)及前警探積臣(依斯蒙坦) 決定拍檔打劫鑽石,另一方面,警探馬迪 (安祖寶維)仍努力不懈要捉拿溫祖......逃犯、劫案、黑幫仇殺等元素,掌握得宜的動作片導演大有人在,梅維爾之所以是梅維爾,就是他作品內那份哲學:他對命運、宿命、尊敬的概念,以及片中人的世界中的自有規條。
In RED CIRCLE, Melville's penultimate film and
a huge
box-office hit, Melville regular Alain Delon plays recently released prisoner
Corey, who teams up with fugitive Vogel (Gian Maria Volonte) and ex-cop Jansen
(Yves Montand) for a jewel heist in Paris. Meanwhile, police superintendent Mattei
(Andre Bourvil) tries every means to find Vogel to bring him to justice......Many
directors can make good action films about an escaped prisoner, a diamond heist,
police manhunt and mob vengeance, but what sets Melville apart is the philosophical
implications of his films: his notion of fate,s doom and honour; his characters
live in a closed world with its own rules and hazards.
8/5 (Sun) / 2:20pm / bc
14/5 (Sat) / 9:50pm / bc |