法國France/1967/95mins/35mm/ 法語對白 英文字幕 In French with English Subtitles
導演Dir: 尚皮亞梅維爾Jean-Pierre Melville
演員Cast: 阿倫狄龍Alain Delon, 法蘭索瓦貝利亞Francois Perier
如要選一齣阿倫狄龍的代表作,二話不說 -《獨行殺手》。影片不但是眾多狄龍迷的首選,也被譽為梅維爾的完美之作。阿倫狄龍飾演單獨行事、我行我素的殺手謝夫,一次任務後,他被警方鎖定為嫌疑犯,雖然他有完整的不在場證據,保釋後其實依然危機四伏:警方仍然暗中監視,僱主更欲置他於死地。九十五分鐘的影片裡,對白簡約而精僻,謝夫就是一副冷峻的臉孔,他既是壞份子又抱有自己一套的道德操守,這份正邪混合正是獨行殺手的魅力之源。梅維爾以日本武士為片名,一方面隱喻阿倫狄龍這位殺手仿如現代武士,盜亦有道,同時亦解釋了影片那仿如日本能劇的簡約風格。
If one has to name a definitive Delon film, then THE
SAMOURAI it is. Under Melville's super direction – many considered this
to be his perfect film – Delon plays Jef Costello, a solitary hit-man who lives
his own rules. After killing a nightclub owner, he is pursued by the police as
their prime suspect. While he manages to provide sufficient alibi to get himself
released on a custody, Costello is in no way relieved: the police are still keeping
a close eye on him, while his employers have decided to have him killed. With
minimum dialogue and facial expression, Delon's Costello is implacable and emotionless;
he is clearly a villain and yet he conveys moral superiority. He is both chilling
and sympathetic.
大師班 Masterclass
梅維爾 • 阿倫狄龍•獨行殺手
Melville, Delon and The Samourai
in Cantonese.
日期:7/5 (六)
時間:4:30pm - 5:15pm
所有觀賞當日2:45pm《獨行殺手》的觀眾均可留步參加,費用全免。 |
5/5 (Thu) / 9:40pm / bc
7/5 (Sat) / 2:45pm / bc
14/5 (Sat) / 9:40pm / ifc |