| | 洛可兄弟 ROCCO AND HIS BROTHERS (ROCCO E IS SUOI FRATELLI) 意大利 Italy /1960/176mins/35mm/意大利語對白 英文字幕 In Italian with English Subtitles 導演Dir: 維斯康堤Luchino Visconti 演員Cast: 阿倫狄龍Alain Delon, 雲拿度沙維托爾Renato Salvatori, 安妮芝華多Annie Girardot
《洛可兄弟》訴說的是貧苦家庭在米蘭大城中的掙扎,也代表了意大利從戰後失落過後的重整、希望和幻滅。影片全長三小時,分四章描述四兄弟,有血有肉地呈現他們之間的矛盾。焦點是西蒙(雲拿度沙維托爾) 與洛可(阿倫狄龍) 的拉鋸,前者躁狂猜疑,後者溫柔理想化,二人因愛上同一女子而結怨,爆發衝突,暴力場面令影片被禁及被迫刪剪。風格上,本片集新寫實主義及堂皇歌劇於一身,是維斯康堤導演生涯的重要交叉點,阿倫狄龍飾演的洛可,也是維氏作品中其中一個最鮮明最複雜的角色。片末一筆,詩意盎然,為悲壯的故事重燃希望。威尼斯影展特別大獎及國際影評人大獎。
ROCCO AND HIS BROTHERS chronicles the strugglesof apoor Italian family to adjust to industrialized, big-town life. The three-hourfilm has separate chapters for each of the four brothers, but the focus stayswith that of Simone (Renato Salvatori) and Rocco (Delon). A love triangle createstension between them and leads to one of the most violent scenes that causedthe film to be banned and heavily censored. Stylistically, ROCCO makesthe point in Visconti's career at which neo-realism meets grand opera. Delon'sportrayalof the selfless idealist Rocco is one of the most vivid and complex charactersin Visconti's films. Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival.
 |  | 6/5 (Fri) / 9:00pm / bc 16/ 5 (Mon) / 2:30pm / bc | | | | |