法國France/1960/118mins/35mm/ 法語對白 英文字幕 In French with English Subtitles
導演Dir: 雷內克里蒙Rene Clement
演員Cast: 阿倫狄龍Alain Delon, 摩利斯朗力Maurice Ronet, 瑪莉娜芳域Marie Laforet
《怒海沉屍》由法國戰後最傑出的導演之一雷內克里蒙執導,改編自Patricia Highsmith 的懸疑小說《天才雷普利》,99年更被重拍成荷里活版的《心計》。出身寒微的雷普利,受了富商之託,遠赴意大利欲把其花花公子兒子菲臘帶回美國。在一片藍天碧海下,人性的陰暗面逐漸浮現,雷普利不但將菲臘就範,更密謀強佔他的身份,情況一發不可收拾。表面風光明媚的法國風光,強烈對比出人性底層的黑暗,一如知識份子的虛假外表,裹藏了背後的頹敗和空洞。24歲的阿倫狄龍,風華正茂,在戲中的演出既含蓄又狡黠,將角色的複雜性表露無遺,亦正好預告了一位巨星的誕生。阿倫狄龍的成名作,不得不看。
In PURPLE NOON, a film based on a novel by Patricia
Highsmith and directed by one of France's greatest post-war directors Rene Clement,
charisma and extraordinary
portrayal of Tom Ripley lifted him to international stardom. Ripley sets off
to Italy on a "mission" to bring back the playboy son Philip for the wealthy
Mr. Greenleaf. Instead of fulfilling his duty, he takes over his beautiful girlfriend
and even his identity, pushing himself towards the dark side of human existence
with no return. Subtle, cunning yet complex, the qualities Delon shows through
this character foretell a forthcoming career of a great actor. A classic and
classy film noir was remade into the Hollywood version, The Talented Mr Ripley.
7/5 (Sat) / 5:30pm / bc
12/5 (Thu) / 9:40pm / ifc
15/5 (Sun) / 7:40pm / bc |