關本良 Kwan Pun Leung (攝影指導 Cinematographer)

2005年台灣最賣座的本土製作,《宅變》是繼2003年《雙瞳》後 嚇破膽的寶島驚慄片,祖傳大宅,夜夜鬼纏身,層層的追查,揭 開滅門案恐怖真相,卻走不出詛咒血腥迷宮。大美人關穎首度擔 任女主角的電影作品,由新銳導演陳正道(《盛夏光年》)與攝 影指導關本良攜手打造,給觀眾台灣恐怖片的大洗禮。

When MV director Leste Chen made his feature film debut with HEIRLOOM in 2005, no one would have thought that it would become Taiwan’s top-grossing local film of the year. This horror movie marks the first lead role for beautiful actress Terri Kwan, who stars alongside the handsome Jason Chang, Angus Chang, and Tender Huang in a thrilling story surrounding a haunted house. A young man and his friends try to uncover the mystery of the house where his family members hanged themselves twenty years ago, but what awaits them is a long forgotten curse...

台灣 Taiwan / 2005 / 彩色 Colour / 97 min
國語對白,中英文字幕 In Mandarin with Chinese & English subtitles
導演 Dir: 陳正道 Leste Chen
主演 Cast: 關穎 Terri Kwan, 張大鏞 Jason Chang, 張毓晨 Chang Yu-chen

21/10 / 9:55pm / apm